2024.12.25 更新至 1.08
2024.02.21 更新至 1.07
2023.12.13 更新至 1.06
魔改解锁全语言,补全全语言文字视频文件,补全日语配音文件,感谢 @来栖晓
DLC 和相关存档使用说明原文:
New update to include the new game plus and permadeath modes! Unfortunately i could not find a nicer way for the DLCs so im including the savefile for the DLC skins (You need to use both the save and options or the 40 thieves mission wont unlock), i recommend playing until you reach the assassins house in baghdad before using the save, since the save skips the whole prologue which is about 2h of the game. Thats because the skins only unlock online when you reach baghdad. You’ll have all skins in that save and it should unlock the 40 thieves mission in the map after the “Branching Out” Mission, it has nothing completed in it just the prologue, i recommend also making more than one manual save when using this save because it can become corrupted. If you started the game before you wont be able to use this save as it will erase your progress. You may try to use just the options save on your current save and see if you can unlock the 40 thieves mission, im not sure!
游戏 DUMP + 降级 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 @The World ismine @CyB1K @jocover
本体 21.7GB,补丁 5.86GB,整合后变为 27GB,减少 0.56GB,微乎其微
整合版版本号显示一律为 1.00,实际看更新历史记录,keystone 已修复,可以继承正版存档
如遇安装和启动提示系统升级,更换 GoldHEN 即可解决,老版本的 HEN 已过时